Friday, August 20, 2010

The Prom, Minus the Taffeta

I just came across some photos that I took almost a year ago while on a springtime camping adventure with my dearest friend. We went down to Wilson's Promontory which is a magically gorgeous part of the world and a perfect little retreat away from the stress out that comes with staying local. Bushfires ravaged the region a couple of years ago which is tragic, especially when you see how much wildlife is kickin it there, but the regeneration of the plants is amazing. Along the side of the road, in amongst thick, twisted masses of black branches there is the brightest of green fighting for life. Still water reflects mirror images of the both and the intricacy of the patterns created is amazing. It was one of the most naturally beautiful things I had seen. Creepy yet comforting.
The best part of Wilson's Prom however was not the surrounds, but the wombats that walked right through our campsite, not even batting an eyelid as we had kittens at the fact that YES there was an ACTUAL WOMBAT strolling through our temporary home.... RAD!

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