Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Let me introduce you to C-Mop.

C-Mop is one of my housemates.

C-Mop is an anagram - it stands for craziest man on planet.

It should be known that if my housemate's name was actually C-Mop, we would undoubtedly be friends. Who wouldn't want to be friends with someone named C-Mop.

Here is a short bullet point list of some of the bizarre things that C-Mop does.

  • Walks around the house swearing incessantly for no comprehensible reason.

  • Offers to measure the dishwashing detergent into individual portions so that people do not over or under indulge in the soapy matter when washing the dishes.

  • Places objects to be recycled next to the recycling bin rather than in the recycling bin.

  • Stands in the loungeroom, or any other room where people are, and pirohuettes, continuing to talk to you as if there is nothing out of the ordinary occurring.

  • Insists that glad bake must cover the surfaces of the non stick sandwich press.

So looking back at this list I can see that a lot of these things aren't so much crazy as they are super duper annoying for people living with him.

Maybe I should change C-Mop's name to PITA.

I'm sure there will be more C-Mop bullet points to come...

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