Sunday, March 14, 2010

Where to from Postmodernism?

Droog Design is a Dutch based company with a swell little collection of items from innovative and experimental designers. The products are very select, and push the boundaries of our comfort levels regarding design. The technical function of all the objects is still in tact, but that is almost secondary to the fact that they look like nothing you've ever seen.

It makes you start to question what could possibly come next.
Surely every last avenue of original thought has been expelled?
No, my friends. Not with such creative geniuses like Jurgen Bey walking this dear earth.

Let me introduce to the tree trunk bench.Aptly named, no?

You could look at this and think: Designer? Pfft. Anyone could do that. Yep, anyone could, but no one has.

You could look at this and think: Why the hell would I want a big ol' tree trunk in my lounge? And I don't have an answer for that. Except that I for one would think you were cool as fuck if that was the first thing I saw when I walked into your lounge.

Sure, it's not for everyone. You'd need a lot of space for one, not to mention €11,000. A fairly hefty price, especially when you consider you're just paying for the chair backs. That's right, the tree trunk bench is delivered sans trunk. Jurgen Bey makes it clear that it would be RIDICULOUS to transport tree trunks when they could be found locally...

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